It’s Time to Build a Supranational System of Governance: An Indispensable Foundation for Peace

Upper Hudson Peace Action and Peace Action New York State are pleased to invite you to a talk by Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing about a system of global governance for peace.

Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing is a prolific author, speaker, and international lawyer with 20 years of experience in public and private legal practice. She is the founding director of The Center for Peace and Global Governance, a virtual think tank and online forum that pools and proposes principled solutions to pressing global challenges. She has published five books in the area of peace and global governance including “Building a World Federation: The Key to Resolving our Global Crises.” Her latest book, available on Amazon, is “The Alchemy of Peace: 6 Essential Shifts in Mindsets and Habits to Achieve World Peace.” She also hosts a video podcast Re-Imagining Our World” on the CPGG YouTube channel — that is dedicated to creating a vision of the world we want and infusing hope that we can make the choices necessary to attain it.


