
Upper Hudson Peace Action strongly opposes the prejudicial and intimidating recruitment tactics being employed by our armed forces.

For decades, our military has selectively targeted young members of racial minorities and/or low socioeconomic status, by provoking them into believing that they have no other options or opportunities but to serve in war.

The consequence is that thousands of youth, most notably minorities, are discouraged from pursuing dreams that could facilitate social mobility (i.e. education) for themselves or their communities. Thus, they are perpetually forced into to societal disenfranchisement.

This injustice is manifested by aggressive recruiting campaigns being waged in poor inner city schools and their surrounding communities, most of which are populated heavily by ethic minorities.

In recognition of this injustice, the Upper Hudson Peace Action is committed to counter recruitment initiatives focused on informing youth of all their options, thus giving them viable alternatives to military service and enabling them to truly make educated choices about their future.

Counter Recruitment Leaflet

Know Before You Go, ‘Cause There’s No Reset Button is a collaboration with the Ya-Ya Network (Youth Activists-Youth Allies), a youth of color-led antimilitarist organization based in NYC.

Counter Recruitment Links

Opt Out – New Jersey

Coalition for Alternatives to Militarism in Our Schools

The Project on Youth and Non-Military Alternatives

Options for those in the military

GI Rights Hotline

Conscientious Objection

Center on Conscience and War