Palestinian Rights Committee

The Palestinian Rights Committee is an affiliate of Upper Hudson Peace Action and supports the Upper Hudson Peace Action statement Peace for Israel and Palestine.

Members of the PRC hold a variety of opinions about how exactly to best to resolve the conflict.  When the PRC sponsored a rally on the 40th anniversary of the 1967 war, we called for:

(1) An end to US military, economic, diplomatic, and corporate support for Israel’s illegal military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

(2) A change in US policy to one that supports a just peace between Palestinians and Israelis based on equality, human rights, and international law, and full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions.

Our Ongoing Activities

Brief History of the PRC

Monthly Meeting
The Palestinian Rights Committee meets in Albany on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM.  Phone Tom at 453-8874 for location and directions.

Our Own Palestinian Rights Committee Website

Middle East Speaker Available

Paul Rehm, a member of Peace Action’s Steering Committee, has made numerous visits to Palestine with the Christian Peacemaker Team, living and working in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Email List

The PRC also maintains an Internet information exchange.   Click this link to subscribe to this email list: Palestinian Rights Committee Mailing List

Contact the
Palestinian Rights Committee

Phone Tom at 453-8874

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